M. K. Gandhi An Autobiography The Story Experiments Truth

269 pages

“M. K. Gandhi – An Autobiography or The Story of my Experiments with Truth” is the story of Gandhis life written by himself. It is a detailed record of his young life in Gujarat in India, his education in London, years in South Africa and later struggle for an independent India. Beneath it all lies his inner spiritual revelations and endless search for truth. From the book:

“Identification with everything that lives is impossible without self- purification; without self-purification the observance of the law of Ahimsa must remain an empty dream; God can never be realized by one who is not pure of heart. Self-purification therefore must mean purification in all the walks of life. And purification being highly infectious, purification of oneself necessarily leads to the purification of one’s surroundings.” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

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